Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Help is on the Way!

It’s happened to all of you out there. You are in a bar with your boys, you are presumably dressed well, and you feel good while sipping your vodka tonic when suddenly you make eye contact with a beautiful woman. She starts toward you from across the room. You take another sip from your drink, pretend like you did not notice her approaching and then turn back to discover she has looked down and turned to walk away. What did you do to blow it, you ask yourself. You were too far apart for her to catch on to your bad breath or the dirt under your nails and your zipper is in its full upright and locked position. You are not sloppy drunk and your idiotic friends have found someone else to entertain. What could you have done?
Never fear, your problems are over. We have the answers. As odd as it may sound, the chances are your biggest problem with meeting women is the shoes that you wear. Yes sir, you read correctly, we said your kicks are terrible.

Together, we have been dating and judging men since we exited our mothers’ wombs. That is a quarter century of experience each that could be very beneficial to you, if you are willing to listen. We set out to create a list of the biggest repeat offenders and explain why we hate them. In order to give you an illustrative guide, we hit the streets armed with a camera, and ready to do what women do the most, talk about men. The men represented on this blog are not actors, they are real men making real big mistakes, and luckily we were there to capture them on film for all of the world to see. Hopefully, you can learn a thing or two, because in the end, it’s all about the shoes.

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