Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Did Someone Say "Crocs"?

You all know the Croc wearer. He sports khaki slacks or shorts and a polo shirt in an off color, a clear sign it’s from T.J. Maxx. He might even have Croakies dangling down his back from the end of his Ray-Bans. He definitely owns a couple of pairs of light blue jeans and they are probably tapered. He's wearing Crocs because they are comfortable and casual. But newsflash Mr. SEC frat guy and Jack Nicholson, Crocs were made for hippy gardening housewives in Vermont, not for hopping out of Tahoes and running into Backyard Burger. Wearing a gardening shoe in an airport is about as logical as a giant straw hat or gardening gloves carrying coffee through the terminal. Leave those eyesores in the garage.

When you think about what you have strapped onto your foot, it's actually quite disturbing. You are wearing a plastic clog with holes so your hairy toes can breath. That's just foul. Crocs are ugly. As you can see from our previous posts, comfort is not an acceptable excuse. Everyday I shove my expanding foot into a pointy toe trap that is hiked up on a three inch stick the size of a McDonald's french fry. I haven't felt my little toes in a decade, in fact, I actually forgot I had them. Comfort is not and should not be an issue when considering whether or not to purchase a shoe you plan to wear in public. This is America, we drive everywhere we go, and often right up to the door. We sit at a desk all day. Our meals are delivered to us at the table, desk or door. Why do you need comfortable shoes?

Do you really take fashion advice from this guy?


Anonymous said...

I've heard the "this is America" argument before, and to my knowledge Lucky Dog stands still don't take credit cards. Until that time I'm going to have to go with comfort over style.

Anonymous said...

P.S. I know you said that crocs were a no go in general, but I still can't believe you didn't make special mention of the crocs with socks look.

The Shoes and Don'ts said...
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The Shoes and Don'ts said...

Thank you Daywalker for your comments. I appreciate that my "America" argument has proved ineffective in the past. However, as I'm sure you recall, despite my best efforts, those fine officers of the law did not drag me to jail that night. Had I been sporting Crocs, I'm almost positive they would have taken me straight to the slammer, and rightfully so.

Also, thank you for bringing up the socks with Crocs issue. Wearing socks with your plastic clogs can't be explained. The point of wearing a waterproof shoe is to get them wet without being uncomfortable, doesn't a sock negate that benefit? This was actually discussed during a friendly dinner last night. The only male at the table was trying to argue that Crocs sans socks are an acceptable boating shoe. At this time, I would like to publicly remind him that all females in attendance unanimously decided that crocs are never acceptable, socks or not.

As for you, Daywalker, we all know that you will never be boating on a sunny day. Perhaps you should retire those Crocs that I've seen you sport on numerous occassions before your picture finds its way to this blog.

Thanks for your thoughts. love/miss/hate you.

Anonymous said...

Just curious, as an expert on boating was the gentleman in question a member of the Guff Yacht Club? and does he drive a Camaro?

I wholeheartedly agree with you on crocs with socks, and I'll make a deal with you. I'll retire the crocs when you retire the smocks. (see what I did there?)