Monday, January 28, 2008

Exception of the day..

Okay so I know this blog is dedicated to the do's and dont's of MEN but as I was riding the subway this morning I was rudely reminded of a hideous creature that rears it's ugly head on various occasions - THE PLATFORM SNEAKER - Now the major brand of this monstrosity is MBT (please see picture. MBT claims these black bricks will 'not only change the way you use your muscles, but will improve the use of your joint and spine) honestly after someone has seen these things on your feet the LAST thing they are going to think about is your posture or body or personality for that matter. 
I know exactly what these women and men (yes I have seen men wear these as well) are thinking - it's the same theory behind bad mom jeans and crocs - it's the "I will wear what's comfortable and I don't care what anyone thinks" attitude. This just doesn't fly - yes you do care if you look hideous and everyone is uncomfortable around you so I don't buy it.
Bottom line is stay at the gym longer if you are looking to enhance your workout and if it's posture your concerned about then sit against the wall or something but PLEASE stop the insanity of the platform workout sneaker. 


Anonymous said...

Did you know that those shoes actually come with an instructional DVD teaching you how to walk in them? It's true.

Anonymous said...

You know who has/had a pair of these right?

Anonymous said...

Here is a hint, "Why do y'all suck so bad!?"